Unraveling the Mysteries of Deductions and Expenses on FL 150

Deductions and expenses on the FL 150 - Income and Expense Declaration can be tricky to navigate. Here are some key insights to help you accurately fill out this section of the form.

1. Understanding Deductions:

  • Mandatory vs. Discretionary: Only mandatory deductions, like taxes and social security, should be included. Voluntary contributions like 401k should not be in this section.

2. Detailing Monthly Expenses:

  • Mortgage Payments: If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage, estimate the payments for the next six months, considering interest and principal amounts.

  • Healthcare Costs: Include out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance, like monthly prescriptions.

  • Childcare Expenses: This encompasses a range of costs, from after-school care to summer camps.

3. Change in Income:

  • Explaining Fluctuations: If your income has changed recently, use the FL 150 to explain. This could be due to job loss, pay cuts, or other significant financial changes.

4. Reporting Assets:

  • Current Value: When listing assets like stocks or real estate, use the current market value.

By paying attention to these details, you ensure that your financial declaration is comprehensive, reflecting an accurate picture of your financial situation.