FL 150: Essential Steps for Accurate Financial Disclosure

Navigating through a divorce can be complex, especially when it comes to handling financial disclosures. One of the most critical documents you'll encounter is the FL 150, or the Income and Expense Declaration. Here's a practical guide to help you accurately complete this essential document.

Preparation is Key Before diving into the FL 150, gather these vital documents:

  1. Your most recent pay stub.

  2. Recent tax returns.

  3. Statements from retirement accounts.

  4. Details of income from rental properties.

  5. Your monthly budget or a detailed list of expenses.

Filling Out the FL 150

  1. Employment Information: Use your pay stub for the most accurate data.

  2. Tax Information: Your tax return offers a comprehensive view of your annual income.

  3. Other Party’s Income: Try to obtain precise details, as this affects financial outcomes in your divorce.

Income Details

  • Salary: Report your gross salary, which is crucial for determining your financial capacity.

  • Investment Income: Don’t forget to include income from rental properties, factoring in associated expenses.

Deductions and Assets

  • Accurately reporting deductions and assets is crucial for a fair assessment of your financial situation, impacting negotiations and decisions about spousal support and legal fees.

Remember, the FL 150 isn’t just a form; it’s a representation of your financial reality, playing a pivotal role in your divorce proceedings.