Why get a prenup?

  1. Control Over Financial Future: A prenup allows you and your spouse to decide how your assets will be divided in the event of a divorce, rather than leaving it up to state laws or a judge. This maintains control over your finances, no matter what happens.

  2. Reality of Change: People change over time, and situations that seem unlikely now can become reality. While trust and love are foundational, a prenup acknowledges the unpredictable nature of life.

  3. Protection Against No-Fault Divorce: In a no-fault divorce state like California, marital misconduct (like infidelity) doesn’t affect asset division. Without a prenup, assets are split equally regardless of circumstances.

  4. Not Just About Current Assets: A prenup covers future earnings and assets, not just what you have now. It protects against the commingling of assets, ensuring your separate property remains yours.

  5. Debt Protection: A prenuptial agreement can protect you from being responsible for your spouse’s debt acquired during the marriage, which is especially crucial if you foresee potential financial challenges ahead.

  6. Divorce Can Happen to Anyone: Even if you don’t believe in divorce or can't imagine it for yourself, it’s important to recognize that it’s not always within your control. A prenup ensures you’re protected if your spouse initiates a divorce.

  7. Importance Regardless of Wealth: Prenups are vital whether you have substantial assets or not. They ensure that whatever you do have is protected and that divorce proceedings do not become financially devastating.

  8. Not a Bad Omen: Getting a prenup is practical, not pessimistic. It’s a way to address financial planning and goals openly with your spouse, often strengthening the relationship by ensuring you're both on the same page regarding future expectations.