Why does California have community property?

Does community property seem crazy to you? Bay Area Family Lawyers may explain to their clients that Community Property dates back to 1849 when the California Constitution established a civil law based community property system under its Constitution.  The Constitution stated:  "All property, both real and personal, of the wife, owned or claimed by marriage, and that acquired afterwards by gift, devise, or descent, shall be her separate property; and laws shall be passed more clearly defining the rights of the wife,  in relation as well to her separate property,  as to that held in common with her husband. Laws shall also be passed providing for the registration of the wife's separate property. "

And 1850,  California created law setting forth a community property  system.  Weird, right? Community Property law has undergone a lot of changes since 1850 - but the basic tenant remains the same. All property acquired during marriage - is community.